Partnership terms and conditions

LAGAH WorldWide INC. Affiliate Program Terms & Policies
By filling out the LAGAH WorldWide INC. Affiliate Application form, you are acknowledging that you have thoroughly read and agreed to the following terms and conditions outlined in this document. here terms and conditions are written in plain language intentionally avoiding legalese to ensure that they may be clearly understood and followed by affiliates.
Application and Approval Process
LAGAH WorldWide INC. reserves the right to approve or reject ANY Affiliate Program Application in it’s sole absolute discretion. After receiving your application, we will review your website and notify you if you have been accepted as an affiliate. Please include every url that you will use to promote our products and services.
Inappropriate Content
Affiliate’s website does and will not contain any materials that are:
- Sexually explicit, obscene, or pornographic;
- Offensive, profane, hateful, threatening, harmful, defamatory, libelous, harassing, or discriminatory (whether based on race, ethnicity, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability, or otherwise);
- Graphically violent, including any violent video game images; and/or
- Solicitous of any unlawful behavior
- Any other content deemed to be inappropriate by LAGAH WorldWide INC.
Promotional Materials
LAGAH WorldWide INC. will provide an array of promotional tools which include: graphic or textual material (such as text links or coupon codes) for display and use on the Affiliate website. You may create your own graphics which must meet the conditions outlined in the section above. Any abusive use of links or coupon codes, or the manipulation of the program will not be tolerated.
Trademark and Copyright Infringement
LAGAH WorldWide INC. reserves the rights to seek legal action against affiliates that infringe our copyrights and registered trademarks, or that replicate our product designs under a different brand.
Advertising & Publicity
You shall not create, publish, distribute, or print any written material that makes reference to our Program without first submitting that material to us and receiving our prior written consent. If you intend to promote our Program via e-mail campaigns, you must adhere to the following:
- Abide by the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Public Law No. 108-187) with respect to our Program.
- E-mail must be sent on your behalf and must not imply that the e-mail is being sent on behalf of LAGAH WorldWide INC. or any of its brands.
- E-mails must first be submitted to us for approval prior to being sent or we must be sent a copy of the e-mail.
Social Media
Promotion on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms is permitted following these general guidelines:
- You are allowed to promote offers to your own lists; more specifically, you’re welcome to
use your affiliate links on your own Facebook, Twitter, etc. pages. For example: You may post, “Join my friend @yourfriendshandle for a fabulous DIY hair tutorial today [affiliate link].”
- You ARE PROHIBITED from posting your affiliate links on LAGAH WorldWide INC.’ Facebook, Twitter, etc. company pages in an attempt to turn those links into affiliate sales.
- You ARE PROHIBITED from running Facebook ads with LAGAH WorldWide INC. ’ trademarked company names.
Linking to our Website
Upon acceptance into the Program, links will be made available to you through the affiliate interface. Your acceptance in our program means you agree to and will abide by the following:
- You will only use linking code obtained from the affiliate interface without manipulation.
- All domains that use your affiliate link must be listed in your affiliate profile. You must not use your affiliate link or any of the LAGAH WorldWide INC. domains (, etc.) as the display domain or URL in the advertisement.
Forbidden Display URL Example: etc.
Acceptable Dispaly URL example:
- Your Website will not in any way copy, resemble, or mirror the look and feel of our Website.
You will also not use any means to create the impression that your Website is our Website or any part of our Website including, without limitation, framing of our Website in any manner.
- You may not engage in cookie stuffing or include pop-ups, false or misleading links on your website. In addition, wherever possible, you will not attempt to mask the referring url information (i.e. the page from where the click is originating).
- You may not use redirects to bounce a click off of a domain from which the click did not originate in order to give the appearance that it came from that domain.
- If it is determined you have engaged in any of the above described conduct, your current and past commissions will be voided or your commission level will be set to 0%. This does not include using “out” redirects from the same domain where the affiliate link is placed.
Marketing Guidelines
Promotion language must be simple, easy to understand, and should include the following: the offer, the coupon code, the expiration date, and approved text link only. Publishers of the coupon code must not use “bait and switch” language, misrepresentations, or false advertising when promoting offers (i.e. “Click here for more possible deals”).
If you are enrolled in our Program and your Website promotes coupon codes, you must adhere to our Coupon Guidelines as follows:
- You may ONLY advertise coupon codes that are provided to you through the affiliate program or network or that are displayed on our website(s).
- Posting any information about how to work around the requirements of a coupon/promotion
(i.e. first time customers) will result in removal from the program.
- Coupons must be displayed in their entirety with the full offer, valid expiration date and code.
- You may NOT use any technology that covers up the coupon code and generates the affiliate click by revealing the code(s).
- You may NOT advertise coupon codes obtained from our non-affiliate advertising, customer e-mails, paid search, or any other campaign.
- You may NOT give the appearance that any ongoing offer requires clicking from your website in order to redeem.
- On click through, you must link directly to our website. Framing of our website is strictly prohibited
- Cookie Stuffing/Forced Clicks: You must not mislead customers into clicking on an offer or coupon that does not exist or practice similarly deceptive tactics that are generally known as “cookie stuffing or forced clicks.” These include, but are not limited to using knowingly expired offers or presenting offers that do not exist or are not affiliate offers, making claims that a user must click on a link first to activate or receive an offer, resenting a button that claims to show all offers that sets the affiliate cookie in the background or using technology
that generates a click or sets the cookie from the action of copying a coupon code or though a pop under.
Copyrights and Trademarks
“LAGAH’S” or “LAGAH Hair Products” cannot be used as a part of an affiliate’s website domain name, blog, Instagram account, Facebook account, YouTube channel, Twitter username or any URL associated with the affiliate account. LAGAH WorldWide INC. reserves the rights to seek legal action against affiliates that infringe our copyrights and registered trademarks, or that replicate our product designs under a different brand.
Account Termination
Affiliation will be cancelled if this contract is broken. Affiliation can be cancelled with no warning in cases of suspected fraudulent activity. If your LAGAH WorldWide INC. affiliation is revoked, you cannot rejoin the program in the future.